Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Near Me in Palm Beach County FL

Accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP) probably isn’t the first phrase that comes to mind when you start your search for a therapist. You may even be completely unfamiliar with the term—but that wouldn’t be a huge surprise.

AEDP first emerged around 20 years ago, making it a newer therapeutic modality. For comparison, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was developed in the 1960s. So, even though research and empirical evidence show that AEDP is extremely effective, it’s less well-known than other modalities.

What is Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) and How Does It Differ from Other Forms of Psychotherapy?

Accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP) is a modality of psychotherapy focused on healing and transformation through the processing of hurts and trauma. It’s founded on the idea that people are hard-wired to heal, regardless of how deeply wounded they’ve been in the past.

Developed by Diana Fosha, Ph.D., AEDP draws from neuroscience and attachment theory, among many other things. This specific integration is one major way it differs from other forms of psychotherapy.

With AEDP, you form an extremely tight, reliable bond with your therapist. Your sessions become the truest definition of a “safe space.” In this frame of mind, you’ll start exploring the roots of past traumas and your emotions around them.

At the same time, you two will also work to build on your strengths. AEDP isn’t a constant barrage of discussing your pains and struggles. It’s an extremely intense, emotional experience, but you’ll explore the full spectrum of feelings throughout your sessions.

Lastly, a big part of accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy is staying present with your current self while exploring various topics.

If discussing a certain memory or experience makes you emotional, your therapist will take the time to walk you through those feelings. How they affect your physical body, what those physical reactions are, and how you feel afterward are all important details you’ll discuss.

Effectiveness of AEDP

AEDP has been around for over twenty years, and research shows it can be quite effective for a broad range of mental health struggles.

One recent study even looked at accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy in private practice clinics just like ours. Participants self-reported the quality of their mental health before starting and after completing treatment. Across the board, people experienced significant improvements—even though they all sought out therapy for very different reasons.

Another study followed up with patients 6 months and 12 months after completing AEDP to determine if the results were long-lasting. Post-treatment, participants had sustained all the progress and improvements made during AEDP.

While new studies are constantly underway, current evidence shows that AEDP:

  • Can be effective for treating quite a few mental health issues
  • Allows you to safely explore and process deep, intense emotions
  • Can help you start feeling better before you complete treatment
  • Can have lasting, maintainable benefits for at least 12 months post-treatment

FAQs about Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)

What are the core principles of AEDP?

The four core principles, or pillars, of AEDP are:

1. Faith in your ability to heal. Accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy is centered around the idea that humans have an innate, hard-wired ability to heal. This is true even if past trauma has made it difficult for you to heal.

2. Being seen and understood is powerful. AEDP is about giving you space to connect, be seen, and be heard. It’s one of the best ways to break through feeling lonely, isolated, and misunderstood.

3. You have to work through your defenses. It’s important to tend to your deepest hurts. We do this by gently wading into those emotions in a safe way and then working through your defense mechanisms to heal hidden pain.

4. Discovering your newfound capacity for trust. You’ll continue working with your therapist, sharing and processing emotions—even the uncomfortable ones. You learn to challenge your negative ideas, and ultimately experience life through a brand-new perspective.

Who is AEDP best suited for? Are there certain types of clients or issues that respond particularly well to this approach?

AEDP is best suited for a wide variety of people experiencing mental health challenges. Since sessions are customized to each individual client, accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy can help with issues like:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma
  • Struggling with regulating your emotions, also called emotional dysregulation
  • Social anxiety and negative self-talk
  • Relationship problems (whether romantic, familial, or platonic)
  • Low self-esteem
  • Low or no self-compassion
  • Depression
  • Avoidance
  • Anxiety

All in all, people who seek out and benefit most from AEDP tend to be struggling with emotions in some way. This runs the full spectrum of feeling “numb” or “detached” to feeling too much—anxiety, burnout, overwhelm, and much more.

How long does a typical course of AEDP therapy last? Is it considered a short-term or long-term therapy?

According to recent studies, a typical course of AEDP therapy will last about 22 weeks on average. But keep in mind this is just an average. In one study, some participants completed treatment in 13 weeks, while others took up to 38 weeks.

But no matter which end of the spectrum you ultimately fall on, Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy is normally considered long-term therapy.

Short-term therapy is typically defined as lasting around 12 sessions, or a few months. Since AEDP can last anywhere from about three months to one year, it’s considered long-term therapy.

One last thing to know is that “16-Session AEDP” is an option you’ll see often while exploring this modality. This is exactly what it sounds like—a full course of AEDP split up over exactly 16 sessions. Studies show this model can be beneficial for both you and your therapist.

Can AEDP be used in conjunction with other therapeutic modalities? If so, how?

Yes, AEDP can be used in conjunction with other therapeutic modalities. Because Accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy comes from the integration of many different modalities, it lends itself quite well to further integration.

For example, let’s say a client has dealt with serious trauma. AEDP is excellent for processing and healing trauma, but so is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). This client’s therapist could alternate sessions of AEDP and EMDR, utilize both in the same session, or choose any other cadence based on the client’s needs.

And always remember this is a two-way street. If you read or hear about any modalities that you’d like to discuss exploring, please mention them to your therapist.

How can a potential client find a qualified AEDP therapist?

As a potential client, you can find a qualified AEDP therapist in Boynton Beach right here at Hawkins Counseling Center. Our experienced, certified therapists are always happy to discuss AEDP and how it may benefit you. Accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy has helped thousands of people around the globe to truly heal and start living the lives they’ve always deserved. You deserve to feel better. If you’re ready to get started, just contact us or call (561) 316-6553.

Boynton Beach Counseling Center
Hawkins Counseling Center
1034 Gateway Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Phone: ‪(561) 316-6553‬