Complex PTSD Therapist Near Me in Boynton Beach FL

Complex PTSD Therapist Near Me in Boynton Beach FL

Experiencing a traumatic event can change your life in ways you’ve never imagined. When you’ve dealt with a series of traumatic events, or one long, drawn-out experience, the impacts can be even more debilitating. In this situation, seeking out a complex PTSD therapist is one of the best choices you can make.

Complex PTSD can be triggered by a wide range of events beyond war and abuse. But no matter what the source of your condition is, know that you have the innate fortitude and strength to reclaim your well-being.

When you choose Hawkins Counseling Center for your Boynton Beach complex PTSD therapy, you do so much more than simply “talk through” your trauma. Our expert counselors use their decades of combined experience to help you truly heal.

What is Complex PTSD, and How Is It Different from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Complex PTSD, also known as CPTSD or C-PTSD, is a condition that occurs when someone experiences chronic trauma. But what’s the difference between trauma and chronic trauma?

Chronic trauma can mean several traumatic events over some time, or one prolonged experience. Trauma, on the other hand, usually refers to one single event which happens in a short period.

With this in mind, you can understand how CPTSD is different from PTSD. It’s mainly the length of trauma you’ve experienced and, as a result, the severity of symptoms you may be struggling with.

It’s true that the two conditions share several symptoms. But if you’re suffering from complex PTSD, you’ll likely deal with more severe issues that make daily life very difficult, such as the inability to regulate your emotions.

This is also why complex PTSD treatment works a little bit differently than standard PTSD therapy.

Symptoms of Complex PTSD

Symptoms of complex PTSD include:

  • Re-experiencing the trauma as flashbacks
  • Having frequent, ongoing negative feelings and thoughts
  • Avoiding events, people, or places that remind you of the trauma
  • Paying excessive attention to the possibility of danger or always feeling ‘on guard’
  • Experiencing surges of reactive anger or aggression during daily inconveniences
  • Negative feelings about yourself, such as failure, guilt, shame, and worthlessness
  • Struggling severely whenever you try to form or maintain relationships with others

All in all, complex PTSD is best described as debilitating.

Do you feel like you experience a major struggle while trying to go about your daily life? Are your thoughts often centered on the past trauma(s)?

Another common sign of complex PTSD is feeling like everything that happened is your fault. You may even struggle to set boundaries, believing you need to “atone” for your perceived responsibility.

If you’re dealing with any of these thoughts or feelings, complex PTSD counseling can help lift this heavy burden from your shoulders—no matter what the past traumas are, or how long ago they happened.

How Working with a Complex PTSD Therapist Can Help

Working with a complex PTSD therapist can help you reclaim your life and start being present in the moment, instead of lost in thought. You’ll learn to manage and reduce your symptoms when they arise, plus how to think about yourself and the world in a positive light.

But all in all, the ways complex PTSD therapy will improve your life depend on your symptoms and your goals in therapy.

Do you often agonize over what you could’ve done to potentially prevent the trauma? Or maybe your emotions tend to be explosive, no matter what the situation. Complex PTSD counseling can teach you to truly let go of guilt and give you tools to keep your emotions under control in normal situations.

You want to stop causing pain to both yourself and those you love. That’s exactly what working with a complex PTSD therapist can help you achieve.

Learn More About Seeing a Complex PTSD Therapist in Boynton Beach with Hawkins Counseling Center

Have you experienced chronic trauma at some point in your life? Events like domestic abuse, homelessness, bullying, ongoing combat or war, fertility issues, and much more can all lead to struggles with complex PTSD.

If you’re carrying this heavy burden, get in touch with us here at Hawkins Counseling Center in Boynton Beach to learn more about working with a complex PTSD therapist. Leading a happy, fulfilling life is always possible—just contact us today to start your healing journey.

FAQs About Choosing and Working with a Complex PTSD Therapist

What qualifications should I look for in a complex PTSD therapist?

The qualifications you should look for in a complex PTSD therapist include:

  • Specialization in complex PTSD therapy – You’ll be best served by someone who’s an expert in trauma recovery and proven modalities for treating CPTSD
  • Using a trauma-informed approach – Because trauma can affect your life in profound ways, you need a therapist who’s sensitive to your specific needs
  • Compassion and empathy skills – Complex PTSD counseling requires empathetic instincts, strong compassion, and a non-judgmental approach
  • Up-to-date on CPTSD research – With studies progressing every day, you’ll want a therapist who stays up-to-date on developments in CPTSD treatment
  • Client-centered collaboration – An effective counselor will get you involved in your treatment plan and help you achieve your personal goals

At Hawkins Counseling Center, our Boynton Beach therapists customize complex PTSD treatment for each patient. To learn more about our empathetic, client-centered approach, call us at (561) 316-6553.

What should I expect during my first appointment with a complex PTSD therapist?

During your first appointment with a complex PTSD therapist, you should expect to answer questions about yourself, ranging from basic information to assessing your personal safety.

The most important thing to remember heading into your first appointment is that your therapist is on your side. Even if you, for example, feel the questions about your safety aren’t necessary, know there are proven reasons to touch on these details.  

You may also start discussing your goals and potential therapeutic modalities to explore during your upcoming sessions. All in all, the first session is really more of a “getting to know you” conversation than anything else.

What are some common techniques used in therapy for complex PTSD?

Common techniques used in therapy for complex PTSD are:

If you’re searching for a complex PTSD therapist near me who offers these techniques, look no further.

With decades of combined experience—and a commitment to continuing education—our certified mental health professionals specialize in custom-blending these modalities for each individual patient.

How will I know when I’m ready to end therapy for complex PTSD?

You’ll know you’re ready to end therapy for complex PTSD once you’ve met your goals, you’re feeling better on a daily basis, your emotions are stable, and you’re utilizing coping tools in regular life outside of therapy.

Keep in mind that you’ll never have to make this call on your own. Your counselor will check in with you regularly on your progress and what’s left to work on.

Nobody should have to struggle under the crushing weight of CPTSD. If you’re ready to learn more about working with a complex PTSD therapist to release this burden and live the life you deserve, call Hawkins Counseling Center now at (561) 316-6553.

Boynton Beach Counseling Center
Hawkins Counseling Center
1034 Gateway Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Phone: ‪(561) 316-6553‬