Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Counseling Near Me in Boynton Beach FL

PTSD Counseling Near Me

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is an extremely serious—and often debilitating—condition that impacts about 6 people out of every 100 in the US.

PTSD can be caused by a number of experiences, though many people associate it strictly with things like war and sexual assault. And regardless of the traumatic event, living with PTSD can have a drastic, widespread negative impact on your life.

But there’s another important point we need to make clear.

You have the power to reclaim your mental health and get back to enjoying everything life has to offer. All you need is an experienced counselor to guide you through the process. If you’re suffering from the symptoms of PTSD, we invite you to schedule a Boynton Beach PTSD counseling session today.

If you need help with complex posttraumatic Stress Disorder please check out the complex PTSD page.

Symptoms of PTSD

Symptoms of PTSD include:

  • Re-experiencing a traumatic event, which can take the form of nightmares, flashbacks, repetitive images, and even physical sensations
  • Emotional numbing and avoidance, such as avoiding certain people or places that remind you of the traumatic event. You may also try not to ever feel anything, or keep yourself distracted by obsessing over work and hobbies
  • Frequently (or always) feeling ‘on edge,’ finding yourself anxious, unable to relax, and easy to startle. This often leads to an inability to concentrate, outbursts of anger, irritability, and insomnia
  • Additional mental health struggles like anxiety, depression, or new phobias
  • Destructive behavior including self-harm and drug/alcohol abuse
  • Physical symptoms like chest pains, stomachaches, dizziness, and headaches

Still not sure if this describes what you’re dealing with? Keep in mind that you may also need to consider your definition of ‘trauma’ and whether it’s fully accurate.

You see, many people think about trauma—and PTSD—in terms of what’s called “Big T” traumas. This tends to be car accidents, sexual assault, extreme physical abuse, and of course, war trauma.

But the true definition is so much broader.

Basically, trauma means experiencing “unwanted and unwilled overwhelming emotions in the face of helplessness or aloneless,” per Diana Fosha, Ph.D., who pioneered one of the most powerful modalities of psychotherapy.

And when you look at things through this scientific lens, you understand just how easy it is to deny that you’ve been through trauma without even realizing it.

So, of course you can suffer from PTSD even without ever experiencing ‘Big T’ trauma. Sometimes, the ‘smaller’ traumas can be more destructive to your life.

If you struggle with any of these symptoms—regardless of whether you think there’s a valid ‘cause’ for your PTSD– there’s a good chance PTSD counseling can help you.

How PTSD Therapy and Treatment Can Help

PTSD therapy and treatment can help with a wide range of things, such as reducing your symptoms, easing the difficult emotions related to your trauma, teaching you new ways to think about yourself and the world, supporting you in confronting and moving on from your trauma, and much more.

But it can be hard to fully illustrate just how impactful PTSD counseling can be—your exact experience will depend entirely on your goals and needs.

For example, do you find yourself avoiding certain places, people, or conversation topics? PTSD therapy can help desensitize you to these triggers, giving you the freedom to go wherever and do whatever you like.

Or maybe your relationships are tense and fractured because you struggle with emotional regulation. You never want to hurt the people around you; sometimes it’s just impossible to control your reactions.

PTSD treatment will teach you the techniques to rebuild and maintain these important relationships.

Learn More About PTSD Counseling with Hawkins Counseling Center

Have you dealt with a traumatic event at any point in your life? Or do you believe you’re struggling with PTSD symptoms? If so, please contact our team of mental health professionals at Hawkins Counseling Center in Boynton Beach as soon as you can.

The sooner you reach out, the sooner we can help you start your journey of recovery.


What are the goals of PTSD counseling?

A few examples of common goals of PTSD counseling include:

  • Symptom management. The symptoms of PTSD are both distressing and disruptive. In PTSD counseling, you’ll learn techniques to manage and reduce the specific symptoms you’re battling.
  • Regulating emotions. It’s common for PTSD to cause intense emotions and mood swings. PTSD therapy teaches you to navigate and regulate these emotions so they can’t take control of your life any longer.
  • Healing from traumatic memories. These memories can’t be processed through talking alone. A cornerstone of our Boynton Beach PTSD counseling is using specific approaches to help you truly heal and move forward.
  • Controlling triggers. Through gradual exposure therapy and other modalities, you’ll learn to confront your triggers, ultimately reducing your anxiety and reactions to them.
  • Improving relationships, including with yourself. Trauma is almost guaranteed to impact your relationships, social interactions, and even your self-care. Your PTSD counselor will work with you to hone communication skills and look out for your own well-being.

Is PTSD counseling effective?

Yes, PTSD counseling has been proven effective across many studies, including recent ones. While each one focuses on a specific aspect of PTSD treatment, the data is clear. Here are a few highlights:

Of course, we can’t just look at how effective PTSD counseling is upon completing treatment. You’re wondering about the rest of your life, too.

While the research is still very new—and limited—what we do know is that PTSD therapy can positively impact your life for at least 12 months after completing treatment. As time goes on and more studies are completed, we’ll learn more about long-term benefits.

Will I have to talk about my trauma in detail during counseling?

Yes, it’s likely that at some point during PTSD counseling, you’ll talk about your trauma in detail. But it’s important to understand that PTSD treatment isn’t the act of talking through the event, week after week, until you ‘feel better.’

You see, to be effective, your counseling will be completely customized to your needs, trauma, symptoms, and goals. In these modern times, there are several proven therapeutic approaches to treating PTSD, such as:

  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
  • Prolonged Exposure (PE)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

And speaking about your trauma in detail with a counselor will always be a gradual, safe process set at a pace that works for you.

What can I expect during a PTSD counseling session?

During a PTSD counseling session, you can generally expect to start with an introduction and warm-up. The purpose is to make sure you’re comfortable and mentally present. Next, you’ll likely discuss needs and goals—both immediate and long-term. You’ll also discuss progress, recent challenges, and any new topics you’d like to discuss.

Getting deeper into the session, you’ll get into exploring and discussing with your counselor. You may talk about the traumatic event itself, recent thoughts and feelings, and a wide range of other topics.

You can also expect to learn and build skills for coping, relaxing, and managing your symptoms. Like everything else, this will be a gradual process paced to suit your comfort.

Processing the traumatic memories themselves is, of course, a large part of PTSD counseling. Your counselor will discuss therapeutic approaches so you know what to expect and can maintain safe control of your emotions.

You’ll also do future goal setting, ‘homework’ in the form of practicing your new skills, and collaborate with your counselor on new insights throughout your treatment.

And as for the very first session, it’s primarily a ‘getting to know you’ discussion so you can decide if your counselor is a good fit.

All in all, we know how intimidating the idea of attending PTSD counseling can be. Our biggest commitment is to help you feel safe during every single session. If you’re ready to learn more about our Boynton Beach PTSD counseling services, please contact Hawkins Counseling Center today or call 561-316-6553.

Boynton Beach Counseling Center
Hawkins Counseling Center
1034 Gateway Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Phone: ‪(561) 316-6553‬