Hawkins Counseling Center

Hawkins Counseling Center – Therapist

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Author: John Hawkins Jr., M.S., L.M.H.C., M.C.A.P.

The Difference Between Depression and Grief

One of the things I’ve noticed over the years in our medication-saturated society is the tendency to label any form of sadness as depression. People then feel like they need an antidepressant or some other intervention to take their sadness away. A large percentage of the sadness people experience is often related to grief and… Read More

Talking in Circles: Why Talk Therapy Doesn’t Heal Trauma and What Does

If you’ve been attending psychotherapy for some time and don’t seem to be getting the results your looking for, the problem could most likely be all the talking. Now you may believe your therapist is attentive, compassionate, and non-judgmental, and they most likely are. And there is positive value in feeling heard, understood, and emphasized… Read More