The Mind Zone

Top Ten Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Being stuck in a codependent or unhealthy relationship that lacks trust and intimacy can affect almost every area of your life. When our relationships suffer, we suffer. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the key characteristics that build healthy relationships. Below are the top ten signs that your relationship is strong and thriving: … Read More

How Not To Get Retraumatized by Trauma Therapy

For many individuals, just the word trauma can be highly activating. As a trauma specialist, I have gone into many centers over the years and found so much misinformation and retraumatizing that has occurred with clients.  Without the adequate training and experience, many well-intentioned clinicians can retraumatize their clients in their efforts to help them… Read More

How to Get The Most Out Of Therapy

Psychotherapy should be more than just a conversation. A significant percentage of my clients who attended therapy previously complain that, despite the therapist being kind and attentive, they just didn’t feel they were benefitting. They often assert, “We were just talking a lot, but I didn’t FEEL any different.” For psychotherapy to make a real… Read More